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HomeGadgetsThe Top 5 New Smartphone Features to Consider

The Top 5 New Smartphone Features to Consider


To say phones are just devices for communicating would be an understatement. It has nothing to do with people being obsessed with their phones. Although you may hear loud and hysterical complaints that our lives are dependent on our smartphones, it has been more about convenience than an addiction.

All notifications are sent via your phone, including urgent messages from relatives and important work or school-related emails. You can browse through social media feeds whenever you’re bored with nothing else to do. It’s likely that you’re listening to podcasts or music while on the move and this is also due to smartphones.

Yes, there are some elements that make smartphones not the most practical. In the end writing essays using a laptop is more relaxing. If you decide to order your paper through a customized essay service the smartphone will work well. We are always looking for new features the next device on the market will come with:

  • Faster speed
  • More storage
  • Expansive display
  • Security built-in
  • Software that isn’t as pushy

These are the kinds of features we’re hoping for the next model of smartphones to come with. It’s likely that’s the one you’ll get. However, let’s look at other features you need to be looking at when buying an all-new smartphone.

1.Graphene Battery:

If you are happy with the phone but aren’t following the latest trends with a zealous enthusiasm or, more precisely that you do not buy the latest model when it’s launched you’d like your device to last for as long as possible. Unfortunately, smartphones of today tend to last for five to six years on lithium-ion batteries. After just three years, the phone is also sluggish.

With graphene batteries, the lifespan of your smartphone will get longer. Furthermore, charging becomes fast. One of the greatest aspects is that it doesn’t overheat. Sounds fantastic, right? However, it’s not still not yet mainstream.

In 2020 Xiaomi unveiled the very first mobile that had a graphene battery. It was followed by lengthy discussions on Apple coming out with an iPhone that has the same battery. It’s just a matter of time until the market is flooded with smartphones that have graphene batteries.

2.Bye-Bey Bezel:

Screens are growing in size and they’re not likely to slow down anytime in the near future. What makes it so difficult to end? Therefore, the bezel needs to be taken off. There are numerous ways to approach it. Xiaomi along with Samsung have presented a number of models that have cameras under the display. However, this came at the expense of the quality of the pictures. Thanks to the advancements in technology, cutting out the front camera might disappear, without compromising high-quality selfies. But it’s not just the cutout that needs to be eliminated.

The idea of a completely bezel-less screen came to light following the launch of the iPhone X in 2017 when Apple displayed the marvels of bezel button’s minimization. The button on the bottom of the bezel is gone, however the top bezel remains. However, give it one or two years and the display with no bezel will definitely be available on the market.

3.Wireless Charging:

In the year 2000, Samsung as well as Google began looking into wireless charging. Samsung Galaxy S series and all its successors provide both wireless and wired charging. Because of Inductive charging technology, consumers don’t have to deal with wires. But, it takes some time compared to conventional USB charges. However, things can change quite quickly.

Wireless charging implies that you have to ensure that your phone is in the charging area. Although it’s truly wireless, it’s not as effective as the over-the-air charging that has been a complete failure so far. It’s true that the idea that your phone will be charged no matter where you are even when you’re making use of it, is fantastic however, it’s only 5W charging. Therefore, until it’s an accepted norm it’s just the inductive charging wireless technology.

4.Farewell to Relics:

Whatever it may sound, SIM cards are still in use. Sure, companies made a lot of efforts to shrink their dimensions, but it seems like an old fashion thing. It is a fact that due to Apple or Google Pay, fewer people are using physical credit or debit cards. The idea that you require a physical SIM card is a little absurd. However, things are set to alter.

The year 2022 was September. At an event for the press, Apple announced that it would be removing SIM cards in its forthcoming iPhone 14 release. Instead of the standard real SIM card, you’ll get a digital version integrated to the phone. It might seem cautious, given that we are prone to change cards whenever we change providers. However, eSIMs has the answer for you here.

Similar to their physical equivalent, users have the option to change plans, providers and networks, but you don’t have to perform the switch physically. Therefore, whenever you wish to switch plans or change your local number for a trip in another country it is possible to do that without needing to purchase an entirely brand new SIM card. Contrary to other options on the list this isn’t something that will be a reality anytime very soon. It’s likely to be something that’s already happening in 2023.

5.Photonic Displays:

Smartphone screens can display massive ranges of vibrant colors, however they are still not very good at adapting to the changing light conditions. However, things could change due to the new photonic crystal displays that can adjust to the lighting conditions in the area they’re placed in. They are also easily included in smartphones. Therefore, you will no longer encounter issues with reflections on your screen.

How much longer must we wait before the technology becomes available? It should not take too long considering that the two companies Apple as well as Google have invested in developing photonics over the last decade. Samsung is the opposite, and introduced the idea of a crystal-like photonic display way back in 2013. Therefore, there’s the chance that phones with this display that can adapt to light are expected to be on the market by the 2020s.

Final Thoughts:

A few of these features will come out next year, others could take a few years to be available. It’s not necessary to say that the newest smartphone will feature 5G and be eco-friendly. There are many other options that we can’t even think of at present.

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