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HomePcPermit Software Buyers Guide: All the Information You Need

Permit Software Buyers Guide: All the Information You Need


For the issuance of building permits, business licenses or permits for events, local authorities use software to permit events to streamline permitting processes and help their citizens and commercial customers faster. But selecting the right permit software for your requirements can be a challenge due to the variety of choices available.

Manual permit processes are inefficient and inefficient. It can be a hassle for those who use them. Government-issued software will help to fix this issue by digitizing your permit workflow, enhancing the customer experience, as well as generating important data that can be used to guide the decision-making process. When evaluating alternatives, here are some most important factors to take into consideration:

Simplify the User Experience:

The most crucial aspect of any software for permitting is the way it streamlines interactions with customers. Additionally, search for a software solution that provides an online platform where users can easily find details on permits and permit regulations and calculate costs, fill out and submit applications, upload necessary documents, view the status of their permit pay fees, schedule inspections, and receive alerts throughout the day via their preferred channel preference.

Streamline Internal Workflows:

Select software that automates all of your current permitting processes as is possible by using features like automatic review and approval of applications, automatic routing of applications and approvals, based on rules-based calculations of permit fees, as well as electronic transfer of information between departments. Additionally, this will speed up review processes, cut down on the need to enter data and rekey it to reduce errors and let staff focus on more pressing tasks.

Accommodate Multiple Permit Types:

There are many permits ranging from utility and building permits to special occasions and much more. Also, consider an application that will manage the distinct workflows of all permits. But, it must provide an individual application review, issuance and review process for each type of permit according to your specific specifications.

Integrate with Key Systems:

Software must be able to connect with other systems you already have in use, such as GIS assessment data, and software for planning and zoning. Verify that any software you are investigating includes pre-built connectors that make it simple to connect data between different platforms. For instance, it can automatically retrieve property information whenever users type in an address. This will eliminate the requirement to enter data twice and make sure that all information is current across the various systems.

Get Valuable Insights:

The information you collect from your permit processes is highly valuable in making important decisions and making improvements. Choose a software with comprehensive reporting capabilities to get insights into various metrics, including workload, reviewing times, satisfaction of customers and revenue. With customizable reports and graphs you’ll be able to discover opportunities to increase efficiency and increase the quality of the quality of your services.

Secure and Scalable:

Select a solution for permitting that scales and adjusts to the evolving requirements of your locality. It should be able to accommodate multiple departments or offices, and be able to grow with you. It should also implement standard security protocols that protect sensitive data of applicants as well as payment details. Be sure that the vendor is honest regarding their data security and security procedures.

Think About Future Needs:

Consider more than just what you need now Choose the right permit solution to assist your locality over the coming years, with regular updates to keep up with advances in technology. Think about a system that gives not only permits, but also a complete lifecycle development solution that includes codes enforcement, occupational licenses and business licenses, as well as Zoning and planning, GIS and development of communities. A complete solution will be beneficial for the foreseeable future.


You can find a government-permitting software solution that achieves your priorities, such as providing a seamless user experience, improving staff productivity, providing actionable data, integrating existing systems, offering room for growth, assuring security, and meeting both present and future needs, by conducting a thorough needs assessment and paying close attention to key factors. The result will be a granting procedure that is quick, efficient, simple, transparent, and affordable for everyone.

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