In any year, one in five drivers will receive traffic citations, and citations for speeding remain the most common at an estimated 42% in 2018.
Every state department of motor vehicles reminds drivers that driving is a privilege. DMV materials show drivers how to remain responsible.
For example, the California Department of Motor Vehicles makes several pamphlets, tips, and test preparation materials available to state drivers that cover driving safely.
Moreover, responsible drivers cause fewer accidents, pay less insurance premiums, and avoid becoming stalled due to vehicle damages. Responsible drivers also don’t accrue traffic citation fees and the need to attend traffic school.
Thus, responsible driving saves money and time.
What Is a Responsible Driver?
A responsible driver is a driver who obeys traffic laws, keeping themselves safe and others on the road. Drivers share the roads with drivers, pedestrians, and motor vehicles.
Driving only remains an efficient and enjoyable experience when everyone all the road respects each other.
Therefore, responsible drivers avoid causing accidents, traffic delays, and damage to their person and vehicle.
Drivers involved in car collisions can seek legal representation. When exploring law office options, consider a company like this one.
The following information helps drivers learn how to be a responsible driver.
Maintain the Vehicle
Start by maintaining the vehicle. Faulty cars can easily cause traffic jams by breaking down at the wrong time and place.
Moreover, faulty vehicles can leave traces of fluids behind or pollute the air.
Taking the car for scheduled maintenance is the easiest way to maintain the vehicle. Sometimes the mechanics give car owners bad and expensive news.
However, vehicle maintenance is part of responsible driving.
Follow a Pre-Driving Check Routine
The DMV field representatives judge drivers who aim to obtain their licenses before they hit the gas. The representatives expect individuals to go through a routine of pre-driving checks, such as:
- Checking the mirrors
- Putting on the seat belts
- Testing the signals
- Testing the brakes
- Checking the windshield wipers
One can surmise that the pre-driving checks keep the field representatives safe. However, the reviews keep drivers safe too.
Therefore, maintain the habit of following pre-driving checks. The checks prevent road accidents since drivers place the mirrors in the right spots, and the brakes work.
Obey Traffic Laws
Responsible drivers obey traffic laws. Several studies occur before state and local governments decide where to put stop signs, traffic signals, and road bumps.
In addition, professionals study speed limits before placing them on highways and roads.
Therefore, drivers benefit from following the laws.
More importantly, traffic laws establish uniform practices for drivers. Everyone stops at red lights and stop signs because it’s a universal practice, keeping drivers, pedestrians, and others on the roads safe.
Avoid Distracted Driving
The United States Department of Transportation and safety agencies continually track accident statistics. Then, the agencies compile reports to understand how to keep individuals safe.
For example, the agencies have found that the most common accident causes include:
- Driving under the influence
- Recognition errors
- Decision errors
- Lack of vehicle maintenance
- Distracted driving
Distracted driving has become a concern for government agencies at all levels. The problem grew with the wide adoption of technology devices by the population.
Distracted driving includes:
- Using a cell phone while driving, even if it’s hands-free
- Eating while driving
- Drinking while driving
- Consuming drugs
- Putting on makeup
Thus, responsible drivers avoid anything distracting from focusing on the road while driving.
Plan Routes
Responsible drivers plan their routes before heading out to their destinations. Some areas have tricky lanes that quickly take drivers off their course.
Thus, it’s good to become familiar with the routes. Google Maps has become an essential driving tool since it outlines the fastest and shortest options. It also highlights construction zones and congested areas.
Preparing before heading out on the road makes driving more efficient and safer.
Practice Defensive Driving
Some drivers shy away from practicing defensive driving since it opens up too much space between them and others. The space allows other vehicles to merge in front, causing the driver to fall back in their lane.
Nonetheless, it’s an essential habit that prevents severe accidents and pile-ups. The practice also manages driver attitudes and behavior.
Remember that Everyone Shares the Road
In some cities, traffic congestion raises the blood pressure level of several drivers. For other drivers, it’s tough waiting for pedestrians to cross the street, and driving next to bicyclists induces anxiety.
Nonetheless, everyone shares the road, and responsible drivers remember this reality.
It also helps drivers take a step back and take the road rage down a notch.
Driving remains a privilege, not a right. Therefore, drivers should ease into the benefit responsibly. Remember that everyone shares the road, vehicle maintenance is essential, and always obey traffic laws.
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